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North Ridge SCC Coach Tiller

Purebred, AKC Registered stock, with a powerful bloodline including: Briarbrooks, Buffing's Pruitts, Horse Creek and bred by Amie Stertzbach.

His coat is amazing and has adapted well to both to a cold and hot climate.  Living in North Georgia we can have a mix of both.  Nothing like Ohio, however he does love the snow.

Tiller has a wonderful demeanor around people, livestock, and other animals.  He is a wonderful watcher of our children and farm. His confirmation is excellent in his phenotypical and physical attributes. Even more important he is a wonderful companion, friend and family member.  


Tiller came to us from the Stertzbach program in Ohio.  He is our gentle giant. He is big boned, great hipped and has a wonderful smooth gait.  He has a loving temperament, extremely obedient and wonderful around children.  His pedigree is stacked with award winning breeders and stock. 

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